August 2017 Newsletter

August 2017 Newsletter

News on the New Mission Center! We know a lot of you are wondering what has happened on the building of the new Mission Center here in Manila since the fire on February 17th, 2016. It seems like a snail's pace, and it has been. First of all it took about 15 months to receive any money from the insurance company here in the Philippines and it was a fight to the finish to get our claim. (We've been told that's par for dealing with insurance companies here.) We actually only received about 65% of the claim that we were supposed to get, and the old mission center would have cost about 35% more than the original claim to rebuild it just the way it was. So, from the beginning of trying to get our claim processed we knew we couldn't build the same house for what we had it insured. Good news is the delay gave us time to rethink what...
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February 2014 Newsletter

February 2014 Newsletter

Opportunity Knocks for whosoever will! We just completed the revision of our Pastor Leadership Training Manual. We've been using this manual for about two years and we've gone through more than a thousand of them in our training seminars. The old manual was such an upgrade from the mimeographed copies that we had used for the years before that. Even though it had a few imperfections we were very proud of it and it did a pretty good job. We began working on the new edition about a month ago because we ran out of the booklets. We were going through it, making changes and moving things around. I could feel the anointing being released on it. Every page began taking its rightful place. Each paragraph found its mark. We added things from the training that seem to come out in every class under God's anointing. The pages were coming together with a perfection only God can bring. Calli and I both just...
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December 2013 Newsletter

December 2013 Newsletter

Helpus with urgent need for new home office in US! We have an urgent, immediate need for someone to assist us in handling our home office stateside. We just received news that the church that has handled our office for the past nine years is merging with a sister church and will be unable to continue to help us. First and foremost we want to thank them for years of support and dedication in handling our post office box, making deposits, etc. They have done an awesome job and blessed us greatly. But a home office is an integral part of our ministry, and is something we cannot live without. We need someone to take over starting in January. Calli will be traveling to Amarillo in a few days to sort through some important family affairs, during her trip back she will be able to assist in the move and reestablishment of our office. If you feel like the Lord is leading you to...
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