December 2019 Newsletter

December 2019 Newsletter

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." For many years I thought that I understood this scripture in John 15:13. That it was meant solely for those that died while trying to save another’s life. It does mean that, but much more! There are so many instances in our lives where this applies. Moms and dads that give up their youthful dreams to make sure their children will later have the best chance to achieve theirs. My dad a high school principal died when I was 8 months old, just after World War II. My mother worked in a hot cafe kitchen for 17 years, all my youth to make sure we had food on the table and clothes on our backs and were able to go to school. We all know people who have done that. Pastors worldwide often live in abject poverty trying to keep the doors of their churches...
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