
Let’s go fishin’
(for the souls of men!)

When Peter was mending his nets the morning that Jesus was to come and step over into his boat, he was not quite ready in his mind to receive the miracle he was about to experience. As matter of fact, he was still a bit negative about fishing all night and catching nothing. Jesus came to him and changed his mindset about fishing in just a few moments of time. Peter didn’t think he could catch fish during the day to begin with. He was also disgusted because they had fished all night and caught nothing.

With the nets mended and cleaned after hours of work, he was ready to go fishing as usual the next night. Here Jesus comes, steps into his boat and says, “Pull us out away from the shore so that I can speak to the multitudes.” Peter, did as He asked, listening on as Jesus spoke. After a time He turned to Peter and said, “Pull us out into the deep and cast your net.” At that point Peter said, “But Lord we fished all night and caught nothing!” He had worked hard getting ready for the night’s fishing and couldn’t imagine catching fish in the day.

But as You say Lord!

We have the same mind set today when it comes to reaching souls. “This is the way we have always done it!” We are not prepared to alter our mindset, to just trust that God knows a better way. So we say with Peter, “But Lord, we’ve always done it this way!” But then Peter, with just an ounce of faith, but mostly in obedience says, “But as you say Lord!” and he pulled out into the deep and released the net!

All of a sudden the net began stretching and the boat was being pulled down in the water because of the weight of the multitude of fish. Then Peter looked over the side of the boat and was shocked that his nets were teaming full of fish. His nets were in danger of breaking and his boat was in danger of sinking. He called out to his partners, James and John. They joined him and each took on all the fish they could until both boats were nearly sinking.

Never been a better time!

Right now, it’s time to expand our nets and pull the levers to drop them into the deep (The uttermost parts of the earth!) to receive the harvest. Pastors, there are so many fish that you will have to give fish away as you cast your nets just like Peter! Instead of building our churches with other pastor’s members (shifting sand), we will build our churches on the (rock), through the harvest as Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20! As for the body of Christ each of you has nets (financial resources) that can be cast to bring in the harvest. There has never been a better time in history than now during this pandemic to cast our nets. We have our nets in the Philippines ready to drop, our ships are ready to embark into the deep and bring in the Great Harvest.

Trust in Him!

I came to the US with the thought of raising the support we needed to step into the next phase of harvesting by creating two more training teams to try and meet the demand for our evangelism school that has risen from this Pandemic Phenomena! As we got off the plane and went to our daughter’s apartment the Lord reminded me that He had taken that burden upon Himself 15 years ago. When He told me to stay home in the Philippines, He said He would show me His ways instead of my own. He asked then if I wanted it back. He’s saying, “Do not go itinerating!” You see, I hadn’t returned to Itinerate, (going from church to church raising money) in 15 years. So, we chose to keep trusting in Him, Amen?

Train yourself!

Not only do we need to develop two new teams, but we are going to develop a training video for you! The training video will make the Stealth Evangelism Training available to you and every believer right in your home on your TV or computer. You will be able to train yourself how to win even a stranger in only 5 to 7 minutes and if it’s someone you know 2 ½ minutes!

Finally, we can cast our nets!

It’s time to cast our nets, and you can cast a big net by supporting Dunamis International School of Evangelism. There is a lot of work to do and we need monthly support not only for video development and distribution but for the teams and the seminars that we must do. I talked a lot about this in the video in the last newsletter. You can go online if you missed it and find it on our website, August newsletter!

You can do it!

Most of us have a mindset about soul winning, we tend to think that others are better at it than ourselves, or I can’t do it, but through this training, you can be a powerful soul-winner yourself which is what God wants you to be!...give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word! Acts 4:29

“Pull us out into the deep
and drop your nets!”

But as You say Lord!

Now cast your net with ours
and let’s bring in the harvest!

donate now

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”

Let’s do it together!

Facebook Tony Poole

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