
We brought out the table and chairs we had in storage so we can have Thanksgiving in the mission center tomorrow. We had to wait for the weekend because it is not a holiday here. So Sunday is better to celebrate on because the workers are gone, the kids are out of school and friends we have coming have an easier time scheduling it in too. Things are not quite finished, so Krystel and I will still have to cook at Felicity’s  house but we can carry it over and eat in the new dining room. We found this table two years ago at a garage sale. It has two extra leaves so we can extend it for times like this!

Happy Thanksgiving to our family and friends!

This has been an eventful month. We are so near completion of the construction of our new Dunamis Mission Center here in Manila, Philippines! We are giving you a little preview of what the center is looking like at this time. It’s beautiful and will represent Dunamis and the Kingdom of God well.

When we have seminars here at the center, the pastors will come to a place that is not only beautiful but welcoming in every way. Just as the old center was so wonderful to welcome God’s soldiers for a 3 day seminar, we will soon be able to begin training pastors here and equip them with the latest weaponry to do battle for men’s souls.

It gives them a sense of respect and honor that the Lord would provide them with such an experience and give them the tools they need to make their churches grow exponentially through one on one evangelism by their members.


The front entrance is looking awesome. It won’t be long before we can move our vehicles off the street and will be able to park in the garage.

We have always considered the Mission Center as theirs.  When they come here, they are coming to a refuge for God’s soldiers to be loved and encouraged and receive the best training for waging war against the kingdom of darkness that we can give.  These pastors come from very modest environments and when they arrive, they are treated with the respect you’d give your heroes of the faith. These wonderful men and women of God deserve the best that the Kingdom of God can give. We give them 3 days in a beautiful mission center where they are in the spot light of God.  It’s our goal to make sure they know they are special and give them what they need.  I’ve always said that if you teach a fisherman to fish effectively, that he can go home and never be hungry again. We believe the most important thing that can be taught to our leaders in our churches worldwide is how to fish for men’s souls. Do I hear an Amen?  Train them to do the Great Commission from Jesus in Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Pastors come for boot camp at Dunamis International School of Evangelism!  For the 3 day training which includes stay in and food, all the training materials and the incredible training for 100 Pesos (that’s just two U.S. dollars!) In answer to your next question, yes it’s non-profit! Ha-Ha! I told you we give them the training from the Lord! Guys, we can’t charge more, because the very Pastors that need it the most can’t afford it. That’s also why we do mobile missions all over the Islands because we have to take it to a lot of them. They can’t afford to travel to here in Manila from their Islands even when it’s free. But when they are trained they go back and start building their churches. They build the kingdom by winning their neighborhoods and cities to the Lord and at the same time they can come out of poverty and feed their families because their churches can start taking care of them financially so they don’t have to work multiple jobs and can focus on God’s work in the church.


The staircase is finally in, all the way to the rooftop! We still have to paint the rails and stain and finish the wood, but the wielder’s job is complete.

We have some debt at the end of construction. We owe now about $47,000 dollars. That represents payments of about $1,400 per month for 3 years. But we have no other debt! God is our provider but we really can’t afford any debt against our income. Please pray about helping us become debt-free again. We are non-profit so that means that there is no income except what our partners generously give to insure that we are able to do the seminars monthly. Calli and I are on Social Security and have a small rental income from 2 houses in the US. We use it all to do this ministry, so debt is not an option. Most of you know we had a large portion of our building fund embezzled this year by a long-time employee. Enough on that, but if you have any further questions about that, email us at tcp1976@aol.com. Personally, we turned that over to God and He can take care of it, we have other fish to fry, Amen? Or I guess I should say, fish to catch. Fishing for the souls of men and training our wonderful pastors!

We are moving up on Christmas and New Year’s. Please consider helping us clear this debt with some of your yearend gifts.

We love you all very much and miss you so much,

Tony, Calli, Krystel, Levi, and Wyatt and all our precious Dunamis staff

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Wow, what a find!

Krystel and I stopped at another garage sale this morning. We found these 26 chairs for the school. They are practically brand new. I think the people had a catering business for a short while. But anyway, we were able to get these for less than half of the price that they sell for here.

When Tony came to look at them, he also found this desk for $20 for the school office. We certainly were not looking to spend anything at this time but knew it was going to be needed this next year for the school. So if anyone would like to provide the $150 for the chairs and $20 for the desk we would be so blessed! They are even gray, so they will look great up under the cover on the rooftop. Looks like they were just made for us, haha!

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
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