
Heaven renowned seminar taught
in world renowned surfing spot!

Daet, the capital of the province of Camarines Norte, Philippines has a population of 104,799 people. The municipality is a popular surfing spot among surfers worldwide. The Dunamis team just completed an 8-9 hours (oneway) land trip to Daet using the school van. Twenty six graduated from the Stealth Evangelism Program and more than 1000 souls were led to the Lord using the tool that was given to them during the 3 days of practicums (street one-on-one evangelism).

Everyone who shared their testimonies were very grateful to what they called a “God given anointed tool” and “friendly yet powerful method of soul winning”. They were able to win their family members whom they have been trying to reach for a long time but won them now using the Stealth method.


Street evangelism in Daet

For Pastora Louisa, this is God’s answer to her prayers to be equipped and empowered in evangelism and discipleship. She regained her confidence because this tool proved to be non negotiable, a lost soul cannot say no nor reject the offer to pray and receive salvation. More so, it made her so excited to train her team so she can multiply herself and create a team of reapers and achieve church growth and plant more churches in less time.

A leader, who has a calling to be a Pastor, and our class top soul winner, has just realized that there are so many people who need to hear the Gospel but less and less people who share the Gospel. The new souls he won requested follow up visit from him in the form of a regular Bible Study, Praise the Lord!

Thelma, on the other hand had a change of heart!!!The Lord touched her heart and she felt compassion to the lost, thereby, committing herself to never stop in finding the lost and leading them to Jesus. Pastora Mary Ruth confessed she committed the sin of apathy and repented. Now she will be having a lifestyle of evangelism.

The greatest need in the world is the need for the Gospel; the greatest work on earth is to preach the Gospel. As we support the greatest work on earth to fill up the greatest need in the world, we are assured that we will also be rewarded by our Great God who is faithful and whom we can never out give, for after all, He gave His Only Begotten Son to redeem us.

Thank you great people of God who continue to believe in the works of this Ministry. You are a part of every single soul we win wherever we are, as we saturate the nation with the Gospel and eventually Win the Philippines, and Win the World for Jesus!! All glory to God, forever and ever. Amen

Ptra Remy T. Mordeno


Note from Pastor Tony:

On June 10th, 1997, Dr. James Maloney from Christ for the Nations in Dallas prophesied over me that night at Community Church in Hereford, Texas. Part of this big prophecy was the following excerpt:

He said, “Whoa, exceeding great armies will be raised up under your ministry! They will be the Living Epistle (If you are born again you are a Living Epistle of the Lord) known and read of Me, and they will be your ministry.”

Awesome Call of God
to reach the world with the gospel!

That prophecy was given 21 years ago. At that time, I was still in the real estate business but God had already extended His call on my life that April 1997 and I had accepted. The prophecy didn’t make sense to me at the time, but 5 years later we moved to the Philippines to step into the prophecy that was about to begin. When we came here we started a school by the name of Dunamis International School of Missions.

We have now been in this call for 21 years of our lives and it is speeding up not slowing down. We are ready to have another team of trainers working with our current team as soon as the new mission center is complete. We need financial support to do another team which will hasten the coming of our Lord through the spreading of the Gospel.

Win the Philippines
Win the World!

I would like to explain as simply as possible what winning the Philippines means to the world and the spreading of the Gospel. They are a unique nation in that they are welcome as contract laborers all over world in nearly every nation. Right now, there are approximately 12,000,000 Filipinos abroad doing contract labor both skilled and unskilled. So if we win the Philippines to the Lord, we will have the largest tent maker missionary force (Living Epistles of God) in all time. Thus our slogan, “Win the Philippines, Win the World!”

Millions have already been born again in this nation since we began the school in 2003. You can be a part of the winning of the world to Jesus by sowing monthly into this ministry. None of the funds that are received go to Calli and I. All money goes to reach the lost! Please hear the cry of the lost throughout the world and send what you can monthly. No amount is too small or too big, we will use it. We need help now.


This coming year we want to form a foundation called R.O.C.K. to make sure that Dunamis will continue till Jesus comes, Amen? R.O.C.K. stands for Remnant Of Christ’s Kingdom! In the Bible God most always uses the remnant to bring Glory to Himself and His Kingdom! Gideon went from an army of 32,000 down to 300 which was the remnant of the Lord to do battle with 120,000 Amalekites! You can be a part of the Remnant of the Lord by financially supporting the training of God’s soldiers to do the battle for men’s souls. Hallelujah!

Love to you all,
Tony and Calli Poole

donate now
Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions to Asia

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

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