Tony & Calli on property lot

News on the
New Mission Center!

We know a lot of you are wondering what has happened on the building of the new Mission Center here in Manila since the fire on February 17th, 2016. It seems like a snail’s pace, and it has been. First of all it took about 15 months to receive any money from the insurance company here in the Philippines and it was a fight to the finish to get our claim. (We’ve been told that’s par for dealing with insurance companies here.) We actually only received about 65% of the claim that we were supposed to get, and the old mission center would have cost about 35% more than the original claim to rebuild it just the way it was. So, from the beginning of trying to get our claim processed we knew we couldn’t build the same house for what we had it insured. Good news is the delay gave us time to rethink what we were going to do. God revealed a wonderful strategy to not build on all the property we had, but to only use 3 of the 5 lots that the old mission center took up. Now we have two lots left free that we can build on or sell off at another time which are pretty valuable here. God is good all the time isn’t He?!!! Oh yes, they are all paid for! Yeah!!!

We have our plans drawn and the contractor and architect are working on plans to use some of the foundation and columns from the old structure that will save us a lot of money. We estimate that we can get started with the construction in the next 6 to 8 weeks pending issuance of permits. Overall construction should take 6 to 7 months, and then we will have a beautiful new center to work out of. It will be fully paid for in spite of all the things the enemy threw at us trying to steal the proceeds of our insurance claim. It may even be a possibility to build another structure that could house the school, big enough for the students to stay in just like the old center, next door on one of the extra lots. We won’t start that without a full go ahead from the Lord, and it would have to be fully paid for at the end of construction which is absolutely feasible at this time. Do we hear an Amen to that? God is our protector and provider, Amen?!!

Letting the fire
out of the fireplace!

We currently have been doing mobile missions which allow us to take the training to pastors that could never afford to come to Manila for the training. We take it to them. We’ve seen a huge impact in the lives of so many pastors and leaders all over the Philippines just since we focused in on Mobile Seminars since the fire. It let the fire out of the fireplace and is spreading all over the Philippines because we had to start doing mobiles after the school burned down. We had thousands of Bibles and manuals that survived the fire in a little bathroom off of the office in the house. Everything else burned! Praise Jesus, we did a seminar in Cagayan de Oro 6 days after the fire that destroyed everything including taking the life of Felicity our 32 year old daughter. 3107 people were born again during that seminar alone!

Folks, God says in His Word that, “all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called unto His purpose.” The fire brought on a directional change going from a stationary school to a mobile school which has brought more impact. Some how God turns the worst circumstances into something even more productive in the Kingdom of God. We went from 1 or 2 seminars per month to 3 to 5 seminars per month. We went from training 20 to 30 pastors and leaders per month to 80 to 150 per month.

Stay focused no matter how difficult things get and God will bring about a supernatural miracle in your life. If you don’t step off the pathway and continue on with the Lord no matter what, you will prevail with the Lord! Remember all things work together for the good of those that love God.

donate now
Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions to Asia

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

Tony & Calli on property lot

Kolambugan Seminar

1,018 Souls Won!

This trip is the offshoot of our Ozamis trip in May when Martial law has just been declared in May. A graduate of a batch held in Ozamis City organized this class, where 38 pastors/leaders attended.

Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte is 47miles away from the war stricken Marawi City and is a 4th class municipality in the province of Lanao del Norte. Composed of 26 barangays with part of them from Maranao tribe, the practicum sites proved to be very rewarding and people are open and receptive to the Gospel. A Muslim minister was won to the Lord without difficulty using the 357 Magnum technique. The situation in Marawi has facilitated the easy flow of sharing the Gospel. People are already eager to hear the Good News of Salvation, and learned to put hope in their hearts, the Hope in Jesus as the war in Marawi continues to progress. There had been news that the backup team of Maute had arrived as support to fight against the government. The siege is still in progress, claiming loss of lives between the Maute rebels and the government troops. But one thing is sure with Dunamis, our fight against the devil continues to proceed. We shall continue to claim lives of “old men” to bring birth to a “new creation”. Nothing can stop the Gospel to be spread, with or without war, with or without bloodshed, we shall continue to march on and advance the Kingdom of God by finding the lost and sharing to the lost the Gospel which is God’s power for salvation, because it shows us that the righteousness of God is through faith for all who believe (Rom 1:16).

I pray that more souls shall be won thru this Stealth Evangelism Training and more pastors and leaders are empowered, bringing back the Great Commission to the center stage of the ministry, as it is the only ministry that expires on earth, (no more evangelism in Heaven, only worship!!) Its the only ministry that can populate heaven and plunder hell. Glory to God in the highest!!!

— Pastora Remy


Witnessing during practicums


Note from Pastor Tony!

Friends, we have cut back to two seminars monthly until we get more support raised. Each seminar costs between $1,200 and $1,500 to go and do the training. Each seminar will usually mean somewhere between 1,000 to 5,000 souls won during the seminar. Then the residual effect of each pastor trained going back to his church and training a team of soul winners that are activated to do one on one evangelism creating a perpetual stream of new souls every month from now on.

When you sow into one of these seminars you are sowing into all the evangelism and multiplication of reapers that is generated from that seminar, throughout their life times and generations to come. Some of these guys become the Billy Grahams and super pastors and evangelists of the future. You get a piece of that action with whatever you sow. You can sow $50, $100, $500, $1,000 monthly or whatever God leads, it all goes to the mobile missions. The pastors need the training now. We can’t take it to them without your help.

I ‘ve always said that when I go to heaven, I want to have war stories to share with Peter, Paul, Matthew, Mark, etc. My war stories are your war stories when you sow or support these seminars that are equipping God’s chosen with the weapons of warfare to plunder hell for men’s souls. Glory to God! Join us in reaching the world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Love you all, Pastor Tony Poole

donate now
Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions to Asia

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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