Tony and Calli

An Invitation to bring

Stealth Evangelism to Greece!

Its official, we are going to Greece to have a Stealth Evangelism Seminar at Apostolic Church of Christ in Athens. For 2,000 years Greece has been dominated by the Greek Orthodox Church and other religious groups that have kept them in religious bondage for centuries. God has been tugging at my heart for the last 3 years about the Mediterranean. I believe with all my heart that this is an open door and even a rare opportunity to impact that part of the world. Pastor George Patsaouras and his wife Margarita have built a very rare charismatic church there in Athens with about 1,500 members.

The 357 Magnum Stealth evangelism tool is designed specifically to win the religious (Those that believe in Jesus and the Bible, yet they are not born again). By training the leadership of their church with the Stealth Evangelism Program, Lord willing, this could ultimately lead to the evangelization of the Greek Islands. Although the country is bankrupt and the people are in a desperate situation, this could be a real opportunity to bring the Good News of salvation through our Lord Jesus. Where I grew up they call that striking while the iron is hot, Amen?

We need your help to get this done. We estimate that the trip will cost upwards of $4,000. We decided against taking any office help. We will train monitors and the church will furnish us all the help we need. They are already in the process of translating all our materials into Greek is that an Amen? We’ll be gone about two weeks beginning Feb. 18th, 2013. If you want to be a part of this nation changing mission, please immediately send your tax deductible gift to Revival Fire Ministries, PO. Box 30487, Amarillo, TX. 79120 or click on the online giving button below.



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

Houston, Texas

Joseph & Sylvia Lopez (new monthly partners with Dunamis)
with us and Pastor Rex & Marilyn Comer in Houston, Texas

The Bridge Church to Establish

“Beach Head” in the US!

By Pastor Rex Comer

If you have friends who are dying from what seems to be an incurable disease and you hold the miracle cure in your hands how many of you would hold it back out of fear? That is what is happening all across the world. Billions of people are moving toward an unspeakable death because they have not heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and yet although we hold the cure in our hands we don’t deliver it to them because of fear.

If that is you or your church you must attend a Stealth Evangelism Conference! You may be schooled and skilled in using the Roman Road, or Evangelism Explosion and may be exceptional using the Way of the Master for evangelism and yet still have a challenge with the religious or “churched” people who may have spent a lifetime in a pew and are still not Born Again. Stealth Evangelism is a powerful tool that is simple and incredibly effective. A small warning: Ministers and Pastors, you must have a support system in place, because once your church begins to use this tool, you may have a harvest that is difficult to support, but of all the challenges you may face in ministry having so many new converts that it stretches your resources is a welcome one.

The Bridge Church is planning on being a “beach head” in the United States and is preparing to be ready to share Stealth Evangelism with other churches here.


Houston, Texas

Stealth Evangelism training underway in Houston, Texas

Stealth Seminar at

First Baptist Church Heights

Houston, Texas

In November we had our seminar at Pastor John Schmidt’s church, First Baptist Church Heights co-sponsored by Pastor Rex Comer’s church, The Bridge Church in Houston. There were 19 pastors and leaders at the seminar. Some of the students have emailed reports back to us since they took the training. We have included a few testimonies from some of the leaders that attended that were kind of neat. One in particular that stuck out immediately after he took the training was Pastor Rex Comer’s experience in using the tool. He went out one day and witnessed to 8 people using the 357 Magnum Technique. He won all eight of them to the Lord. That is the same kind of results we get in the Philippines! Another one that was interesting was Sylvia Lopez. I’ll let her tell you what she thinks here she is below with two of her co-workers she led to the Lord!


Houston, Texas

Sylvia Lopez standing between two young ladies she led to the Lord using the Stealth tool!

Stealth Evangelism Strikes

the Office Place in Houston!

I just want to express my gratitude to you (Tony) and Calli for bringing this tool, “Stealth Evangelism” to Houston, Texas. Thank you for sharing with us your God given vision and most of all for your obedience and all the effort you and Calli have invested in putting together this salvation tool. This has truly been very gratifying and uplifting to me. Stealth Evangelism works, it is so simple to introduce others to our Lord.

With this technique, it seems to me that people are more apt to accepting Christ, because there is no condemnation. After you share the verses with them, and as they see and hear what Jesus is saying to them, who can say NO to Jesus?!

These ladies were so appreciative with so many thank yous, they want to share this with their own families. Isn’t that awesome? This will help start a home group Bible study and introduce The Bridge Church (our church) as well and have more family members in our church.

Tony and Calli you both have truly brought something new into our lives and to all other souls whom don’t know Christ. Thank you for sharing Stealth Evangelism to me and my husband truly the Love of Christ is in you both.

Love you both, Your new family – Sylvia & Joseph Lopez

Mona’s Testimony

I want to thank you, Pastor Tony for bringing the message of Stealth Evangelism to Houston. We’ve been very busy winning souls with this powerful tool. Especially with those who are only very religious but don’t realize that Jesus’ commandment, “you must be born again”, was even in the Bible.

As I sat with a lady at the hospital one night I asked if she was born again. She said she was from (a certain church, name deleted) but she didn’t know what being born again meant. So I showed her the verses in John chapter 3 and she accepted Christ. It was really good! One afternoon I made 6 presentations using the 357 Magnum tool, they all received the Lord and were saved.

Thank you for this very effective evangelism tool that is helping me reach many for the Lord. Thank you Pastor Tony.

Love you all a lot, Mona Chandler

Note from Calli: During our class Mona had just gotten out of the hospital. She had two black eyes and was still a bit swollen from her surgery. None the less she attended the entire seminar and came out of there winning souls immediately! What a trooper!

Houston, Texas

Santa sighting at

Stealth Training!

We even met Santa and Mrs. Claus (aka Reid & Florence Fletcher) in our Stealth Evangelism class in Houston. They became new monthly partners with us here at Dunamis. Santa & Mrs. Claus said, “Keep Christ in all seasons!” We are in total agreement!

Houston, Texas



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

Houston, Texas

The Poole’s and Privado’s wish you all a blessed Christmas
and joyful New Year filled with all God’s best.

2012 Highlights!

This year has gone exceedingly above and beyond what we hoped for from the beginning. We started preparations for international training seminars. With the help of leaders in other nations our curriculum is being translated into Greek and Portuguese so we can bring the Stealth Program to their countries. We developed a new testing program for our pastor training. We developed and implemented a new web cam training for pastors using Skype, or Google Hangout. We trained 28 batches of pastors and leaders consisting of more than 400 of them which impacted approximately 150 churches. We saw over 25,000 people ask Jesus in their hearts through the evangelism exercises in our school this year. This doesn’t even scratch the surface of the souls saved through the activities of 5,000 plus Dunamis alumni. All of this was accomplished as a direct result of your giving and commitment of support. We feel this coming year will be a year of taking the Stealth Training to many more nations and islands here with your help!

NEED: We are closing this year with a deficit of $19,000 that must be cleared now! Business and corporate owners; please consider us in your yearend significant contributions. This is good Kingdom soil to sow into. 1 gift of $19,000, 2 gifts of $10,000, 4 gifts of $5,000 or the best seed you can sow into God’s evangelism thrust into the world, this would help us sleep better and blast us off into 2013 where we plan on taking the Stealth Evangelism Program to many nations and other Islands here in the Philippines. All the Glory goes to Jesus!

We love you all, Tony & Calli

View the Dunamis 5 minute video at:

dunamis video 2012




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



Houston, Texas

Untold thousands coming to Christ!

By Pastor Steve Hill

Here we are at the time of year we’re reminded “Jesus is the reason for the season.” That’s actually a statement for all year long, as Jesus is the reason for every season in this life and eternity. Jesus is THE Resurrection and the Life, and He’s the Best. In this Christmas season, it’s wonderful to give and receive gifts, but we shouldn’t receive just anything. Jesus warned us in Matt.16:11-12, “”…But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”” Our Savior wants the best for us, and he wants us to not receive such teaching.

Without going into details of their teachings, I do want to share how Jesus summed up their teachings in Matt.23:13, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces; for you neither enter yourselves, nor do you allow those who are about to go in to do so.” These teachers wouldn’t follow the Lord’s way. I’ve read the Gospels over and over through the years, but something jumped out recently: the Pharisees and Sadducees were critical of Jesus. They thought they knew better. Jesus didn’t measure up to their criteria. Matt.21:42 records, “Jesus said to them, “Haven’t you ever read in the scriptures, The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. The Lord has done this, and it’s amazing in our eyes?” They wouldn’t give His way a try. Jesus is THE way, and He is to be experienced, not just observed and graded. As 1 Corinthians 8:1 shares, “…We know that “we all have knowledge.” Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up.” Let’s build up others, not criticize them.

I see this play out here at Dunamis. Stealth Evangelism is a wonderful tool that has led to untold thousands coming to Christ. Its simplicity and effectiveness is amazing. Occasionally, we’ll have someone attend a training who wants to just keep doing evangelism their way. They usually seem to struggle learning something new at first, but by the grace of God, almost all of them humble themselves and try what we’re trying to equip them with. They leave with their feet three feet off the ground after winning so many souls! To those who are teachable enough to try it with the love of Jesus, exhilarating results come forth for the glory of God! (We always tell them not to give up any weapons of warfare in their arsenal the Lord has equipped them with. Stealth Evangelism is to be added to that arsenal. We only ask them to lay down the other methods while they are in the class learning Stealth. That way they are able to learn and perfect this remarkable tool as best as they can so they will be able to use it effectively their whole lives.)

I recall being a children’s pastor in Amarillo. I was so grateful for praying with 40 people to be born again in four years, but my heart was hungry for more. When I visited the Philippines in the Summer of 2010, I led 50 people to Jesus in three days! I was so excited! Now that our family lives here as missionaries, I’m so blessed to get to help teach here at Dunamis. It’s a thrill to see pastors and leaders get equipped with such a wonderful evangelism tool, but I don’t just talk about it: I live it! The Lord allowed me to pray with over 240 people to get born again this year using Stealth Evangelism! That’s with having a family of 10. By the grace of God, Jill, Josiah, and Judah are going to be trained in 2013! So, thank you for your prayers and support for Dunamis International School of Missions! We’re grateful the Pooles have allowed us to help, and we’re excited how the Lord’s kingdom is advancing! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and watch out for that critical leaven.

Lord bless! – Pastor Steve Hill

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