Help Us Secure a Permanent Presence in the Philippines!


Join the Dunamis Founder’s Club


The Founder’s Club was created to secure the permanent presence of Dunamis International School of Missions in Manila, Philippines. The Dunamis Mission Center has a mortgage of $250,000 or Php11,000,000.00 against it. We, the leadership of Dunamis, have been seeking the Lord for an answer for the debt so that the funds that we receive monthly from our partners can be better utilized in the reaching of the lost both in the Philippines and worldwide.

We have accomplished much in the 8 years we have been here in the Islands, but we need to do more. We are constantly asked to bring Stealth Evangelism to other parts of the Islands and other nations all over the world, holding seminars for pastors and leaders that cannot afford to travel to Manila. Our heart breaks as we are forced to tell them that we can’t come right now, but maybe some time in the future. I’m telling you, that TODAY is the Day of Salvation and we need to be going now to wherever there are pastors that will avail themselves to be trained and in turn, train their members in Stealth Evangelism. This will insure their churches will have perpetual soul winning and discipleship flowing through them for years to come.

These are perilous times in the world today with economies shaking and the uncertainty of what the future holds. But we can make sure that no matter what happens in the financial world that this ministry in the Philippines will prevail and extend to reach the lost in every nation that we are able to touch.

You have an opportunity to make a huge impact with your seed in a ministry that is reaching a huge number of souls every year. Please step forward and help us get this debt paid so we can move to the next level in reaching the world with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If this mission center was paid for we could do so much more every month to train pastors all over even in other nations. We have had many invitations from pastors and leaders from Benin, Nigeria, Brazil, France, England, Italy, India, Myanmar, Saudi, Dubai, Thailand, Columbia, Libya, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, all over the US. Just about everywhere they hear about Stealth Evangelism. Honestly I believe it will go all over the world when we get our new video completed. So please help us take this wonderful Kingdom building tool to the world.

You can be a part of continuing this work for years to come through your gift of $1,000 or Php10,000.00 or more. Through the sacrificial giving of 250 US Founders or 1,100 Philippine Founders the mission center will be paid in full this year. Your pledge can be paid in one lump or monthly payments designated to “Founder’s Club”. This must be separate from your regular monthly giving. Please don’t discontinue your current monthly support, monthly overhead continues, Amen? Upon the paying off of the note and to honor the occasion and those that participated we will display the Founders names on a beautiful plaque here in the mission center in Manila. All gifts are tax deductible!

Please pray about becoming a part of the Dunamis Founder’s Club. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. You can do it today by clicking on one of the Donate Now buttons and you can even set up a monthly payment plan on it. Make sure and designate founders club on your contribution.

Thank you, Tony & Calli

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