The Snowball Effect!

When God called me into full time ministry, He began downloading me with visions for the body of Christ. One of those was that the body of Christ needed to evangelize the world through one-on-one evangelism. There are many types and forms of evangelism but none so impactive as the activation of the Church into one on one evangelization. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 spells it out pretty clear that we are to make disciples of all the nations. That literally means for us as Christians to win and disciple the lost throughout the world.

Have you ever made a snowball with your hands then set it down on the snow and began rolling that snowball? If you have, you know that it gets larger and larger as you roll it. I have pushed my snowball until I could no longer make it roll because it got so big I couldn’t roll it. But if you push that snowball downhill, it gets going, picking up speed until you just can’t stop it! That is the snowball effect. God prophesied over Calli and I in a church service in Amarillo, TX on December 18, 1998 that the visions I had been given by Him would have a snowball effect in the lives of those that received the visions from us that God had impregnated me with up until then. Ironically at the time, I had no idea just how powerful that prophecy would be in our lives and the lives of all the pastors and leaders that we have trained. I’m going to try to simplify this so you can picture what is happening and where it is going.

We have been training pastors and leaders with a powerful soul winning tool called the 357 Magnum Technique for more than 20 years now. We have been organizing seminars for the vast majority of that time. We do in house training at Dunamis Mission Center and mobile training where we take the seminars to all parts of the Philippines and we are about to start launching out into as many of the Asian nations as we get invitations. The pastors and leaders are trained with the soul winning technique then taught what to do to train some of their members and create a reapers club in the church. This will create a perpetual stream of souls every month being won by their reapers club, ultimately causing their church to grow exponentially through the harvest of new souls. The churches grow in number so much that they have more members, more finances, more workers, and most of all more souls in the Kingdom of God. We have trained over the last 20 years more than 8,000 pastors and leaders, they have trained more than 80,000 of their members. Millions of souls coming into the Kingdom of God annually.

Even if the devil were to succeed in eliminating us, our snowball would keep on rolling and kicking the devil’s butt till Jesus comes! Every pastor and leader that takes this course starts a snowball rolling. Hahahahahaha! The devil cannot destroy what we have done and it will continue to roll without our help. Here’s the thing, we will continue to make snowballs until we go on to be with the Lord in Glory. The devil cannot stop it! We’re going to win the world to Jesus. Please help us continue.

We were hurt a little financially during the pandemic. We haven’t itinerated in Churches and organizations since God told me to stay home in 2006, and said He would show me His ways instead of my own. That was 17 years ago! Since that time we went from renting mission centers to owning a beautiful devil stomping Mission Center. It’s completely paid for and what you send goes entirely to help pay for Pastors and leaders to be trained. God taught me to trust Him! He is the best provider! So, please hear me now, we need help for so much demand that is coming our way to go to other nations with our seminars while at the same time continuing with the seminars here in the Philippines. We have invitations from Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam right now. We are in the hub of Asia. I can fly our team to any of those places for not much more than it takes to fly us to other Islands here in the Philippines. In World War II we had to keep the weapons of warfare flowing to the soldiers to win the war. Well, we are God’s soldiers waging an even larger war for the souls of mankind, and we need supplies too. Our Mission Center is a permanent presence in Asia, the very hub of all of Asia where the most people on the planet are, that’s about 4 and 1/2 billion. Join us with monthly support to help us do more seminars creating more snowballs of influence reaching the unreached throughout Asia and beyond. Please join us now with as much help as you can. The more we have to do seminars the more souls brought into the kingdom. This is a way for you to make an eternal impact on the souls of men that is beyond your capability, it’s about giving Jesus to the world, Amen? Basically you can multiply yourself by sending us in your stead. You will be blessed just as the people that receive the Lord are blessed. When you are part of us, we all rejoice together in the salvation of the lost. If you are a provision maker, you enter in to the labors of the sowers and the reapers and participate in all they accomplish. This snowball brings millions of lost souls to the Lord every year and it keeps getting larger every day! Think of it as buying shares in heaven, the only thing you can take to heaven with you is the souls of men. Hallelujah. How much do you want?

In His Grip,
Pastor Tony Poole

PS – We can give a 3 day training for about $50 per pastor or leader. This includes their food, materials, and their lodging at our mission center. So, you can determine how many pastors you would like to sponsor. Please do a monthly sponsorship if you can!

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In-house training at Dunamis in Manila.
Class in Zambales, northern Luzon.

August – at home and away!

This month the Lord gave us 2 classes; one in house and one in Zambales, northern Luzon which is more than 200km away from Manila.
Our God who is a God of breakthroughs did it again. In the last 2 classes we had, where we won more than 2,000 new souls to the Lord with 51 pastors and leaders who attended.

He powerfully worked and confirmed His Word through our Stealth Evangelism Program, attended by 51 pastors/leaders whom God exceeded their great expectations. Our very own volunteer/monitor Sis Leth narrated that while doing the step 1 which is building relationship with an old woman who was obviously suffering from hearing impairment as she has to repeat her words for the old lady to understand and hear it but God intervened as during the repeat after me prayer of Salvation, that hearing impaired lady was able to hear and say the prayer without sis Leth repeating it. Lo and behold, her ears were opened. Another healing was that of a person being shared by Ptra Maritess in which the headache was immediately gone right after the Prayer of Accepting Jesus. Ptra Bituin saw signs of healing of Psoriasis of a person she witnessed to and along with Bishop Al they won business owners to the Lord. She was able to minister to a person with suicidal tendency who received not only Hope in her heart but also new purpose for her life.

Pastor Gilbert was happy that this tool is not only good for one on-one-evangelism but can be very effective for group soul winning too.

Most of the attendees in Zambales are first timers in soul winning and received the breakthrough of their lives. They finally found a very clear vision of how to serve God and that is thru the Great Commission using the 357 Magnum witnessing technique. Johnrick shared that there’s no heart of stone or stubborn heart when they hear that they cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God and that they must be born again. Attending this Program not only equipped and empowered him but it also, opened new doors of opportunity for him in the Ministry. Surprise of all surprises, Alwina received the best surprise of her life, her father who is having many vices received the Lord thru 357 Magnum technique. Amazing, how God powerfully moved in our classes. Marga said she became addicted to soul winning.

Mark 16:20 then the disciples/Batch 2312 and 2313 went out and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His Word by the signs that accompanied it.
The mandate released to us in Matthew 28:18-20 clearly stated with a promise that He will be with us to the end of the ages. The Lord is faithful, He never lies, and He keeps His promise. There’s no other task that God gave us, and every time we fulfill it His Presence becomes more felt and His power is greatly manifested in us. I thank God for all the lives of those who enable us to continue this Ministry thru prayers and support. Let us all support and keep this going until no one is left behind, until we have covered the earth with the knowledge of Jesus , until He comes. As we go and empower men and women to be fearless and unstoppable soulwinners, I know you will all be radically blessed in all forms and in leaps and bounds. Our own Breakthrough after breakthrough is received in Jesus Name Amen!

Glory To God, praise His name now and forever,
Ptra Remy T Mordeno

Above and below: Witnessing in communities around Manila
Above: Witnessing along the street
Above: As I was driving the first vehicle full of students back to the Mission Center, we passed a couple of our students still witnessing along the side of the road to some young men. Calli –
Above and below: witnessing in Zambales
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