Tony Poole
I’m too old! I’m too busy!
It’s too Late for me!
(Lies from the devil!)
Do you think when you are older it is too late for YOU to make a difference in lost people’s lives? Well, I’m going to be 70 on April 4th of this year and my fire is getting hotter not colder. Folks you cannot do anything about your past, but you can do something with your future!

Every day that goes by thousands of people worldwide die and go to hell because they never received the Lord as their savior. You can make a difference in reaching thousands of those lost people by helping us financially to bring the Stealth Evangelism Training to pastors and leaders all over the Islands and other nations through sowing financial seeds towards both in house and mobile seminars. Thousands of souls come to the Lord every time we conduct a seminar and it doesn’t stop there. The pastors go back to their churches, bringing a new increased level of evangelism fire, training their leaders and members and imparting the same fire to them, which insures the church to adopt soul winning as a way of a life which will create a perpetual stream of souls coming into their churches from now till Jesus comes, Amen?
It was once said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” As Christians, we should say, “Give me souls or give me death!” How can we live comfortably knowing that our brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers, and all sorts of family and friends are dying and going to hell by the thousands on a daily basis because no one shared the Gospel to them in a way that they could understand and receive it? We reap what we sow, if we sow into souls being saved, I believe souls will be saved all around us. Activate God’s evangelism blessing by sowing into the harvest field and allow God to pour out His grace and favor on your family and friends with a special blessing of harvesting an abundance for every good work!

I’ll say it again and again, you can make a difference in someone’s life today by partnering with us to train these awesome pastors and leaders. Please take time each month to read the wonderful testimonies of these leaders who have had their lives changed forever through the molten hot fires of evangelism. We train them not only in a powerful soul winning technique but simple strategies to make their church grow exponentially through the harvest of men’s souls. Please send whatever you desire to send monthly. By the measure you give it shall be given back to you, good measure pressed down shaken together and running over. Sow today and make a difference in many eternal lives including yours and those close to you!

In God’s everlasting grip,
Tony and Calli Poole


donate now
Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:
Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
Toyota Grandia
This van is an essential tool
and will make a huge difference here!
We sold our two vans with the idea of using the money we got out of our old vans that were 15 years old to buy one newer van that we could rely on to do mobile Stealth Evangelism training seminars in locations that we can drive and carry our staff to on Luzon Island which is where we live. Some of these locations are as much as 17 to 18 hours from Manila by land. Our old vans were not dependable to make long trips.

We began looking for one that was used but in good condition for these road trips where we needed dependability. Praise the Lord we found this awesome van (pictured above), but we didn’t have enough money to complete the purchase. We had to borrow part of it so we could continue without interruption in the seminars. Praise God we received $3,200 last month towards it, and now owe $10,800 on it. We’d like to ask you each to consider helping us pay this wonderful van off. It will be used to build the Kingdom of God and serve us for many years the same way our old vans did.

Please make your tax deductible gift out to Revival Fire Ministries Inc. or RFMI and send to PO Box 30487, Amarillo, TX 79120 or click below to send your gift on line. Thank you all for your continued support to make this training available to pastors and leaders all over the Islands.


donate now
Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:
Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
Batch 117
Batch 117 – 13 students – 562 presentations – 1,189 souls
Report on Batch 117
by Pastora Remy Torres Mordeno
Ptr. Ricky
Pastor Ricky Castor
Word for the World Christian Fellowship, General Trias, Cavite, Philippines 

The elected Batch President, Ptr Ricky Castor of Word for the World Christian Fellowship was also the medal awardee of the class being flawless in his presentation. He was surprised that the 357 Magnum technique will be able to win even a Mormon and a Muslim so easily.  He said that this is the evangelism tool for the end times, more so for the last hours till Jesus comes.  In Batch 116, he sent a youth leader to the seminar and was amazed to hear that in 2 practicums, that youth was able to win 70+ souls already, he challenged himself that as a Pastor, he can do more and he surely did.  As he went back to his church, he now has higher hopes that the 1000 member goal is now attainable in a shorter span of time, and has already drafted his action plans to ensure no one on his team would return to their church and fall back asleep after having been woke up by the fires of evangelism!

Ptr. Teofilo
This is Pastor Teofilo leading a Muslim girl to the Lord. He led 60 souls to the Lord during class. He now knows he’s not too old to make a difference!
Pastor Teofilo Bonitessri
Spiritual Houses of God Worldwide Ministries, Inc., Makati City, Philippines
Pastor Teofilo Bonitessri, 78 years old, was crying with gratitude for having discovered the tool and regretted why it was late for him to learn the 357 Magnum. He said he could have won more in his lifetime as he found it very easy and simple to use.It’s my personal feeling that you don’t worry about what you have not done in the past, but be concerned about what you do with the rest of your life!

God bless you,
Pastora Remy Mordeno


donate now
Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:
Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!
Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120Phone #: 1-806-416-2313
Facebook Tony Poole

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