Tribute to Felicity Poole Privado
May 27, 1983 – February 17, 2016
Felicity’s grandmother “Grammy” used to say to the kids, “Pretty is, as pretty does”! Felicity lived her life as a role model of that old saying. She loved her friends and family with all she had. We always said about her that she was the darling of the whipped pup society, she would always look for the person that was down trodden and lift them up. She was the princess of the lonely hearts, down trodden, people that needed a friend and those that others would look over and never see. She was a big giver and even when she had nothing she would always find a way to give. Greater love hath no one than to lay their life down for a friend. When Felicity went back into the house, she was looking for Erick and Bri and would not stop because she thought that he had gone back into the house. She never came back.
Seminar Room
Tony and Calli rummaging through the ashes of the living room which is the remains of the bedrooms upstairs.
Tony Diploma
Tony found his Borger High School diploma in the dining room which was just below the master bedroom where it had been stored in a wooden box that was destroyed completely.
Miles Bike
Krystel found what was left of Miles’ little bike down in the dining room.
Wednesday morning, February 17, around 5:30 AM Tony woke up to see the drapes in the corner of our bedroom in flames. It was an electrical fire. He woke me up and pulled me off the bed. We tried to figure a way to put it out but we were dazed and the fire was relentless. I ran down the hall to wake everyone up and Tony slammed the door behind him and ran outside to the upper window trying to turn on the water hose outside the room but the flames were already out the window and climbing the roof so he ran down the hall and grabbed Miles and Felicity grabbed Bri and we all went down the stairs, the smoke was already getting heavy at that time. Krystel was trying to get Gracie to come but had to leave her hiding under the bed because the smoke was pouring in, we could barely breathe.  When we got to the street Felicity turned the kids over to Erick, and after doing a quick survey of the situation Erick took them up the street thinking Felicity was behind him. We had all made it out.  As best we can put together Felicity began looking for Erick and the kids and thought they had gone back in, she became confused or disoriented.  She ran back into the house calling for them. The only one to see her go back was a man who was working for us, he tried to stop her but she was too strong and pulled away, running and crying out for Erick and Bri. No one ever saw her again, she went up those stairs straight into the deadly smoke. By the time we realized she was missing it was way too late. We will never really know what was in her mind but whatever the reason we know it was her great love for her family and her brave heart that pushed her forward. Our brave missionary is in Jesus’ hands now!

If you desire to help us through this time and help Erick and the kids you can send your tax deductable gifts to Revival Fire Ministries International, (RFMI), at PO Box 30487, Amarillo, TX 79120 or give on line by clicking on the button below.


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Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:
Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
To you that are in Manila please know that there will be a wake in her honor at New Life Alabang in Alabang Hills, today, Monday 22, 2016. Service begins at 7:00 PM and the doors open at 5:00 PM.
Felicity's Jesus Drawing
This picture was in the training room display cabinet when the fire broke out, the cabinet and the training room were completely burned out and up, yet this was setting in the charred room looking straight at me when I went in there. Imagine all the fire and water and yet there it was. We have a few of them that were in the stack all have a little burn but quite preserved considering.

From posts on my daughter Kari Brown’s facebook account…

My sisters drawing of Jesus that survived. Yesterday Pastor Ricky Pfeil said he could just see Jesus telling her “Hey, I like your drawing of me”. THIS was the highlight of my day! Please share it. It was how my sister saw Jesus. She’s now walking with Jesus and is the artist of his tapestries.


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Or you may send your tax deductable contribution to:
Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
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Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120Phone #: 1-806-416-2313
Facebook Tony Poole

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