A Note from Tony and Calli
about our daughter!

Felicity has been a part of our ministry since God called us in 1997. She gave all her things away that she had worked hard for as a young girl. She had worked since she was about 16 and had bought all her own things including a car. When God called us to the Philippines and the Lord told us to give all our personal stuff away, she stepped into the same call with the same sacrifice as a young missionary, and has joyfully sacrificed so much for the ministry for all these years.

I don’t know if you can imagine what it would like to live out of a bedroom with your family for many years. She has not asked for anything from anyone during these years, (none of us take a salary from your donations) yet she now needs help as a missionary so she and her precious family can have a normal life. They need your help, they are a viable part of this ministry and she deserves the help. I want my grandchildren to have their own space and for Felicity and her husband to reap from what they have sown into the Kingdom of God. They are asking for help for their house payment. My goodness, they have worked tirelessly for years for the Lord. What a blessing you can be to such a wonderful couple who continue to lay down their lives for the Kingdom of God. Pray about helping them with this need.

We couldn’t be prouder of our daughter who has never asked for anything. She’s of a special breed of Kingdom kids, Amen!

Love you all, Tony and Calli



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


Pastor Reynaldo

Left: Pastor Tony with Pastor Reynaldo.
Right: Pastor Reynaldo witnessing to a young man during practicum.


March 29-April 1
By Pastora Remy Mordeno

Batch 101, was held in Zambales, hosted by Bishop Virginio Docus of Grace Better Church. We traveled by car all the way to Zambales for a seminar that was supposed to be more than 30, but the lady that was coordinating the seminar had some personal problems that kept her from putting the class together. We were about to cancel the seminar until Pastor Tony and I heard of the personal struggle of one of the pastors that had registered for the class.

Pastor walked 8 hours off
Mt. Pinatubo to class!

Pastor Reynaldo Ruanto from Mt.Pinatubo, walked 8 hours on foot to reach the venue for the class, and had left his village the night before and braved the dark and lahar (Volcanic Ash) filled streets to attend the program on time. Batch 101 proceeded, with the same quality of teaching as given to a bigger group. Needless to say both Pastor Tony and I could not withhold the training from such a man.

This pastor really stood out in the batch, not just because of his long endurance or his journey to Zambales, but also because of a distinct mark on his left arm, a large tattoo, which scared the people about to be evangelized. On top of that, his looks resembled that of a rebel soldier or a guerilla, of which in his old life, he was such, being the second in command of the known rebel group and anti government squad named National People’s Army (NPA), based in the mountains.

From Rebel Soldier to Pastor!

Pastor Reynaldo Ruanto, completed his practicum requirements and was so much on fire to go back to his village to share the Gospel using the 357 Magnum Technique. In his own words, he said, “I used to carry a rifle of M16 when I was a rebel soldier, then when I was born again, I always had John 3:16 with me and now I’ve added to my arsenal of weaponry of evangelism, the 357 Magnum presentation.” From a firing gun to kill his enemies, now he has 357 Magnum to bring back to life those who are spiritually dead. Isn’t GOD Amazing? He will go back to his village to make his indigenous people (IP/Aetas) surrender to Christ with the latest “gun” he has. From the bullets of an M16 rifle, now he is armed with the verses of 357 Magnum, ready to AIM AND FIRE at the nonbelievers, and win them to our Lord Jesus!. Keep on aiming, shooting, and firing, Pastor Reynaldo, kill their old selves and let them have the Spirit of the Living God!! All Glory to God! Amen!!!!!!

May God bless you all, Pastora Remy


Pastor Sanga

Left: Pastor Tony picking Pastor Sanga up at the airport.
Right: Pastor Sanga sharing Jesus with some girls on the streets of Manila

Pastor Sanga from Bangladesh
Attends Stealth Evangelism Training

We also had a training in our Mission Center this month with 12 Pastors plus 12 leaders attending. They won 1,005 Souls in their 8 hours of Practicums. One of the Pastors attending was Pastor Sanga from Bangladesh, one of the poorest nations on earth. We met Pastor Sanga at Pastors Larry and Devi Titus’ Kingdom Global Ministries Connect Conference in the US last year and they helped him with his fare to come attend the training here in Manila.
Bangladesh is predominantly Muslim with a small percentage of Hindus and less than 1% Christian including Protestants and Catholics. Pastor Sanga did very well in the class and is excited to take this new tool back to this extremely religious nation. Pastor Sanga also was given a motorcycle by a Filipino Bishop while he was staying with us. He went home armed and ready to do battle with our enemy Satan!

My goodness guys, just imagine how many pastors need this training all over the world. I want to ask you once again to join us as partners on a monthly support basis that will insure us being able to continue to take this priceless training to Pastors all over the world. – Tony



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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